Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I've totally abandoned the blog this semester but it's finally over!  I made it through a really difficult semester.  I came out on the other side thirsty for creativity (a couple classes I took this semester were more about merit than creativity and it really pushed my limits *in ways that i think were less than constructive or encouraging of growth*).  But anyway, the point is I survived and got the grades I needed.  This upcoming semester doesn't start for a month and it will be significantly easier since I'll be taking things that I'm good at, enjoy learning and come easily to me.  So hopefully you'll see more activity on the blog again.  However, I do want to say I'm way way way happier than I was when I started this blog.  Suffering seemed to drive my poetry mainly and now I'm on a journey to find my voice again.  I think I'm finding it in social justice and world issues.  I'm incredibly passionate about women's rights, feminism, LGBTQIQA, global warming, agriculture and water issues and other ecological quandaries.  So I'm hoping maybe I can learn to put those feelings into my art without also feeling stupid, pedantic or simplistic.  I haven't taken an actual writing class or workshop in years and I miss input dearly.  I'm hoping when I get to university I can dabble in the english department again.  Maybe double major…or even triple major.  We'll see.  I love to learn when it's fun.  Watch me pull a Hermione.