Thursday, April 28, 2016


I am sick and the land is too.
My gut is my mouthpiece.
Perhaps I am the gut of the land,
And in turn, the mouthpiece.
I seek, always, to know the land
as I know myself.
We are one and the same,
undivided and whole,
simultaneously, broken and morbid.
I steward the land and the land stewards me.
I learn. I profess. I profess to learn.
I profess.  I learn.  I learn to profess.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Letters to an Ex-Lover Anthology: Unavoidable

Be sure that this prayer is inescapable
Understand that you messed with me
It's my turn to mess with you
You cannot avoid my craft

You will sit and listen quietly
You will consider and reflect
You will find strength to hold yourself culpable
You will find fortitude to apologize

Misfortune will forever dog your heels
Maleficence will bend you backwards
Misery will settle on your chest
And Death will always be near

You will not escape adversity
You will not escape tragedy
You will not escape tribulation and disappointment
You messed with a savage

I call on the energies of this earth
Hold him accountable
Teach him guilt and remorse
Bring him shame and dishonor

He shall not escape his crimes

Monday, April 25, 2016

Note to Self (Manifesting)

Never forget that you
Have the potential for infinite life
And the power to destroy all of it
You are the beginning and the end
You are the sun, moon and evening star
You are boundless energy in a system that seeks
To define the indefinable
You are Jewitch

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Built Up

Life's been all over the place lately, showering me in glory and reward while also putting me through the ringer.  How very typical.  In any case, I haven't had much drive or time to write.  So here's three short freeform poems to tide you over until I'm back in May (hopefully sooner though).

Impeccably Poor Timing
I need to write.
Now is not the time.
I have studying to do.
Naturally, now is the best time to write.

More often a man
Less often a woman
Most often somewhere in between
Yet nowhere in particular

So often striving for the unattainable
So often striving for something that
I won't even want by tomorrow afternoon
Yet will long desperately for the next morning