One day, you will die and nothing will ever matter
Not your differences,
Not your preferences,
Not your happiness.
Forget your allies and your enemies.
Forget your rainbow suspenders, your glitter eyeliner, your chest binder.
You are not your gender
Not your sexuality
Not your sins
Not your injustices.
You are not your label.
You are not your experiences.
One day, nothing will ever matter.
Inspired by my brother's poem penned on the inside his medicine cabinet in orange magic marker, apparently inspired by Fight Club.
NOTE: after some reader's responses, I want to add that, to me, this poem is comforting rather than angsty. The idea that it wont matter anymore one day, none of it, is so unbelievably peaceful to me. I hope you find the same comfort one day. Embrace Inevitability but never rush her.