Thursday, March 29, 2012


What obstacles I would have once leapt,
On those, now I stumble. 
And now I find breath only to grumble.
My hands tremble with responsibility.
The weight I carry alone,
It holds me down when once I would have flown.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Prayer for Pain

Out of my face my teeth shall rot,
My complexion shall redden,
As if a plague was caught.

My eyes will dim and deaden,
From my hands, fingers will fall.
Demons will see me and know Armageddon.

 I will cover with a shawl
As my hair falls out.
Even inside, poison will replace gall.

Boils will pain and my mouth will gout.
Once soft skin, now will flake.
Side pains will stab until I shout.

All this I wish to trade for this ache.
I doubt my steps, my choices, myself.
All I feel is my hands tremble and my knees shake.

 Playing with terza rima and serious anxiety.  Not my favorite product but I figured I'd put it up anyway.  Best not to think and just do at this point.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Brief Letter To The Villain

Dear Evil-Doer,
The short and short of it is that I am awesome now and I probably don't need you.
I'm busy finding happiness.  I don't I have time for the drama you'd bring.
Do you know what character you played in my story?  The villain.
You don't just waltz into my kingdom and think you can stay in it.  Not while I'm Queen.
Worst Regards,
Queen of Everything

I think people are just stupid. It's hard having a brain, but I suppose it's hard to be stupid and know you're not gonna make it past Hair dresser.  I really do try to have compassion, but when they all start grating on my nerves at once, I start dreaming of Idiocracy, and I just lose it.  Then I start thinking about Huxley's Brave New World, and my inner human rights activist heads for the hills.  It's just all around bad news bears.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Making myself feel lonely in a crowd,
I can't wait for life to lift this shroud.
I'm not living the way I wanted to,
But I don't want to regret the things I'd do.

It's hard to be brave in the face of Fate.
I'm afraid of finding love and then finding hate.
My legs feel so heavy when I try to march.
I feel so much more comfortable making the demarche.

I know, truthfully, I'm only young once,
And I don't want fear to make me a dunce.
Where is courage born, and how does it arrive?
I guess I have to close my eyes and just take the dive.

Really I'm too busy for a love life right now, but I'm definitely not immune to the effects of not having one.  But it's been a while now and I feel all virginal and angsty again.  Emo poetry, anyone? Bring on summer already!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Coming Out Haiku

Something to tide my ravenous fans over (oh how I WISH I had ravenous fans).

"I think I am gay."
Dad says, "I think it's a phase."
What do I do now?

I Fell Off

I fell off the face of the earth, and I haven't quite crawled back.  I'm quite literally on a precipice of change.  I'm in the midst of some negotiations that have totally eaten my life.  Once they're done (pray for the Fool's Day), I will be back and hopefully writing (don't jinx this).  

Also, I saged my house the other day and rid it of demons.  

Yours truly,
Queen of Everything

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Haiku Madness Act III

Anxiety eats
my health and my soul.  Also,
my sanity left.

The walls are closing
in on me.  How will I
make my grand escape?

I'm anxious because
I care so much about this.
Bittersweet to know.

The homunculus
controls the mind and body.
Fickle, little thing.

the other shoe dropping, I wait.
Where is the first shoe?

There's something to be 
found in writing a haiku.
I found sanity.

Friday, March 2, 2012

For Her

Let's just solve the mystery.
Take a look at all this history.
Please wake me from this silent reverie,
And make it my reality.
Sometimes I find it hard to breathe,
So please just make me feel at ease.
I think we should just relax
And maybe observe the heavenly acts.
Sweet thing, don't clench your fists.
We both know forbidden love exists.
Even though you're mammalian,
You just seem so far out and alien.
The way your hair falls in your face,
All the air leaves my lungs without a trace.
I know you're swimming in the starry sea.
I beg you to just wait for me.

Keats once said, "Ima write that bitch a poem.  Bitches love poems."
Also, this is the 3rd love poem I have ever written.  Feels organic to write it when I'm inspired (after looking at a pretty face for a few hours).  Siiiiigh.