Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Brief Letter To The Villain

Dear Evil-Doer,
The short and short of it is that I am awesome now and I probably don't need you.
I'm busy finding happiness.  I don't I have time for the drama you'd bring.
Do you know what character you played in my story?  The villain.
You don't just waltz into my kingdom and think you can stay in it.  Not while I'm Queen.
Worst Regards,
Queen of Everything

I think people are just stupid. It's hard having a brain, but I suppose it's hard to be stupid and know you're not gonna make it past Hair dresser.  I really do try to have compassion, but when they all start grating on my nerves at once, I start dreaming of Idiocracy, and I just lose it.  Then I start thinking about Huxley's Brave New World, and my inner human rights activist heads for the hills.  It's just all around bad news bears.

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